Gujarati Calendar 2024 With Tithi August. In Gujarati Vikram Panchang, months are as per the moon, seasons are as per the sun and the days are as per both the sun and the moon. August corresponds to the Gujarati months of Ashadha – Shravana. In Gujarati culture, every work is done by looking at the Muhurat, tithi, panchang and time. The cycle may repeat in the years to come. Additionally, you will discover the Academic year, the holidays and celebrations. To view the calendar in Gujarati change language using the settings option below.
Gujarati Calendar 2024 With Tithi August. August corresponds to the Gujarati months of Ashadha – Shravana. The cycle may repeat in the years to come. Note: (K) – Krishna Paksha Tithi, (S) – Shukla Paksha Tithi. Change Date & Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. This is one of the new editions made up on the basis of Vikram. To view the calendar in Gujarati change language using the settings option below.
January corresponds to the Gujarati months of Magshar – Posh.
Additionally, you will discover the Academic year, the holidays and celebrations.
Gujarati Calendar 2024 With Tithi August. Change Date & Location Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. In Gujarati Vikram Panchang, months are as per the moon, seasons are as per the sun and the days are as per both the sun and the moon. In Gujarati calendar, the days are pronounced like, Monday as Somvar, Tuesday as Mangalvaar, Wednesday as Budhvaar, Thursday as Guruvaar, Friday as Shukravaar, Saturday as Shanivaar and Sunday as Ravivaar. In Gujarati culture, every work is done by looking at the Muhurat, tithi, panchang and time. Here are the Holidays and celebrations as well as academic year. August corresponds to the Gujarati months of Ashadha – Shravana.